Top Reasons Why React.js is Perfect for Enterprise App Development

Author image By Manish Patel  |  Tuesday, April 21, 2020 11:52 AM  |  6 min read  |   1159

React.js Enterprise App Development

When it comes to front-end development, there is hardly any default choice. While the majority of the businesses consider Angular as the standard one, ReactJS development Services are also worth considering. It has already started to show some outstanding results in the web development industry. That being said, the idea behind this article is to make you aware of the benefits and why one should consider using React.js for enterprise app development.

What Exactly is React.js?

React JS is one of the JavaScript libraries that has been built by Facebook. Even till date, it is being maintained by Facebook alone. One of the biggest advantages of using React JS is that it is easier to use, and built with utmost simplicity. This JavaScript library is not only fast but can also scalable front-end developments.

Key Benefits of Using React.js

If you are accustomed to react.js, you will understand that one can reap a ton of benefits from them. ReactJS development company makes use of the same for the following reasons:

  • Speed

When it comes do faster workflow, there is hardly anything that can compete with React.js. It enables the developers to utilize individual aspects of the app, which in turn speeds up the entire development process. In order words, multiple developers can work on a single application, writing individual parts.

  • Flexibility

React.js is not only just easier to maintain but also efficient to work with. Working with such a flexible modular structure, one can save a lot of time and valuable resources.

  • Performance

React.js is robust and it was initially developed bearing performance in mind. By offering a virtual DOM program, it can make the entire rendering process run smoother. Thus, one can easily make complex applications on the go.

  • Usability

If someone has a fair knowledge of JavaScript, they can easily work with React. This, in turn, boosts up React.js at the scale of usability.

  • Mobile-Friendly Applications

React is not just constrained to web development. One can easily make native mobile applications for both iOS and Android.

Reasons to Choose React.js for Enterprise App Development

React.js for Enterprise App Development

With all the benefits we have mentioned earlier, React.js has undoubtedly gained the upper hand from other popular frameworks. That is why react js development India has become one of the most widely used platforms. Down below is a list of some of the reasons why one should consider working on React.js:

1) Easier to Learn

There is no point in arguing that making transitions in web development is hard to adapt. But that is certainly not the case with React. It is always considered less complicated as compared to other counterparts. Developers can even use standard JavaScript codes inside React. The syntaxes are also easier to understand, making it quicker to learn. A JavaScript developer can even grasp the concept of React within 2-3 days.

2) Code Reusability

The majority of the React developments are done for android applications. That is why it supports the reusability of codes. This means that a React developer has full control over the flow of data. By providing one-way data binding, it resonates the flux architecture.

3) Unidirectional Data Flow

React JS is streamlined with a unidirectional data flow. The least one can do is pass data, such as some values, by rendering them with HTML flags. Apart from that, the majority of the components are not accessible. React JS provides a callback function, which in turn allows the developers to do the same. Such unique properties are what make React.js so special.


In the case of React JS, components are provided, which are the converted form of memory data structures. To update or modify the structure, one needs to run these components. That being said, VDOM provides the developers with such functionality. It can also help the developer to build sophisticated UI. This gives React an edge over JavaScript.

5) Streamlined Testing

When it comes to effective testing, React JS is in a completely different league. Supported frameworks such as Babel and reacts-di are available for testing purposes. As per the current testing module, one can monitor events, triggered functions, and outputs as well. Further including, one can browse the ecmascript6 module to React JS.

6) Stabilized Code

Now, who doesn’t want to work with a steady workflow? With the utilization of downward data flow, even the slightest change in the code gets updated. Yet the key data structure is not affected by the process. Code stabilization in React can be done by changing the state of the component.

7) Responsive Web Development

React JS works best for optimizing your Web Development. During the entire building process, developers can lead only the relevant data of the application. This, in turn, actually minimizes the loading speed while increasing the overall efficiency. One can create a modern UI with the help of React.

8) Faster Rendering Speed

One of the biggest advantages of using React is that one can build high-load web applications. One can consider React JS as a standalone library instead of a framework. This enables some of the advanced rendering processes. Further including VDOM makes sure that one can experience a seamless UI.

9) A mobile application platform accompanies –  React Native

Nowadays, ReactJs is a must-go choice as it comes with a bonus mobile application development platform known as React Native.

Cross-platform applications can build easily with React Native. Learning once and writing anywhere is the best thing about React as its library allows you to write code and develop native apps for both iOS and Android as the methodology and structure are similar between React Native and React.

10: Rich User Interface

Customers always expect not just HTML but more than that. Hence it’s important to fulfill the expectation of users without compromising performance, load time, and other factors. User interfaces always play a huge role as they can convert visitors into customers.

With a rich UI that promises exceptional user experience ReactJS gives everything that needs to build web applications. For the success of the businesses, a user interface is very crucial as using declarative components and a cool UI can be built easily.

You can deliver the best user interfaces that can be easily loved by your users just by hiring a React web developer from the best ReactJS Development India.

11: Strong Community Support

The React documentation is getting better day by day and the reason behind this is that the active community of React is very helpful and as the bug gets reported it gets solved on an immediate basis.

To support the budding ReactJS developers ReactJS has formed a very strong community. React JS is an open-source library for coders across the world and to learn React JS is easier with the help of a large number of sources that are available on the internet.

12: Great Developers Tool

The notable advantages of React JS  are its single-way data binding flow, enhanced with the so-called Virtual DOM. 

Other benefits are compatible with most of the browsers, renowned for its Redux developer tools, and also support other third-party tools. To check the hierarchy of the components most of the tools are available as browser extensions.

13: Easy Learning Curve

Any javascript developer can easily cope with programming with React JS as it has a very easy learning curve. If compared with Angular and Vue, React is the easiest documentation to learn.

Many big brands rely on React Js as its component-based approach is cooler for developers for building applications. The react guide also says that thinking in React is different from working with other libraries of Javascript.

14: Faster Development

To build web applications with high-quality UI in a very small time with the help of React. The react developer’s tools are available as a browser extension that makes coding much better than the previous one.

Using reusable components and other development tools developers can develop web applications faster.

With Concetto Labs, the team of developers delivers products so quickly and these lead to happy clients.

15: React – A Star, More Popular Than Angular

The most popular front-end framework library is React. If you check ReactJs on google you will realize how it grew over time. The community plays a crucial role in its popularity of it and these become the next top reason to choose ReactJs for businesses.

So, these are the top reasons to go with React JS in 2020. Also, have a look at the ReactJS Development services offer by Concetto Labs:

  • React JS web development
  • React JS mobile development
  • ReactJS custom development
  • ReactJS UI/UX development
  • Support, maintenance & integration
  • ReactJS eCommerce development
  • ReactJS frontend development
  • Integration of API with solution components

Wrapping Up

The react.js web & app development is, by far, one of the best ways to meet your enterprise goals. By following through with some of the most sought practices, you can easily increase your efficiency. Implementing React.js with your development can easily make your business future-proof. So, the next time you are looking for an enterprise solution, either implement the same within your company or work with someone who has.

Making the best use of recent technological advancements assures that you can cut down to your expenses along with increasing your conversion rate.

Top Reasons Why React.js is Perfect for Enterprise App Development

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Manish Patel

Manish Patel is a Co-Founder of Concetto Labs, a leading mobile app development company specialized in android and iOS app development. We provide a one-stop solution for all IT related services.

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